Friday, December 29, 2017

Push Pull Photo Bomb!

Welcome to the last Funny Friday of 2017! Can you believe this year is almost over?! Wow...I think our FF photo should be something from New Year's Eve because I bet you anything ONE of us will have a funny photo! If not all of us.

Today’s post is this month’s Funny Friday, a regular feature published on the last Friday of every month. Funny Friday is a collaborative project. Each month one of the participants submits a picture, then we all write 5 captions or thoughts inspired by that month’s picture. Links to the other bloggers’ posts are below, click on them and see what they’ve come up with. I hope we bring a smile to your face as you start your weekend.

Funny Friday  150 X 150.jpg

Here’s today’s picture. It was submitted by Jules of The Bergham Chronicles
47 - The Bergham Chronicles - December 2017.jpg

1. Wait...Whit runs in for the photo.

2. Jules, OMG this is harder than it looks!

3. Squat, Push, Pull, pant pant...someone HELP ME OVER HERE

4. Oh yeah, no problem, 25, I got this.

5. Look at me, I'm so cute. (yes Whit we see you but look at your mom go!)

Click on the links below and let some other bloggers make you smile:

The Bergham Chronicles  
Southern Belle Charm
Bookworm in the Kitchen
Baking In A Tornado   


Friday, December 15, 2017

Lost At The Zoo - UYW

It's that time, Use Your Words, a creative writing challenge where we are given 4-6 random words or phrases two weeks prior to posting. Then we write a story, true or fiction, poem or essays. Each blogger/author has their own style and interpretation of the words. At the end of this post you will find links to the others. Be sure to visit. These ladies are very talented.
It was a rainy February morning. The sun was no where to be found, the rain it seemed had set in the day possibly the whole week.
Zoo staff members were sent to disperse rain gear to those who were out feeding the animals.
Here I stood, cheek to cheek with an ostrich. She was such an obstinate bird. Glaring at me, daring me to make her move. Fine I thought, stupid bird, stand in the rain. But I knew that if I didn't get her in it would be midnight before I was home.
I loved my work here but sometimes I thought maybe I needed my head examined. The work conditions are horrible. Outside in any and all weather. Dirty, smelly, at times pure gross work enviroment, especially if I drew the short stick and had to muck the stalls of the elephants. Eww or deal with these big birds. No one understands how hard of a job it really is. I hear "ooh you work at the zoo? How exciting, all those beautiful animals" blah blah blah
Really people, those of us who are low on the totem pole, well, we much stalls, cut up thousands of pounds of raw meat, vegetables and fruit. Move hundreds of pounds of hay and straw several times a day. It is hard work. Rewarding yes but still hard.
Oh shoot, what was that sound? DAMN the gate! I ran over and sure enough, it was shut tight. Great now I'm locked in. I reached in my pocket just as Gertrude hit my arm with her head. Stupid bird! I yelled but she stomped her feet and ran off into the bush.
Great, now I had to go find her in this enormous enclosure but first I had to get my phone, call the zookeeper and tell him that I was locked in.
I glanced down, wait, where was my phone?! I looked around, kicked some straw out of the way, nothing.
Oh dear sweet mother of pearl, if Gertrude had my phone...
Off I trudged through the thick, following the sound of phone, I had an alarm set and it was going off. Good thing, that meant Gertrude had not swallowed my phone.
The enclosure is huge, it not only houses the ostriches but other non threatening mammals. Well, non threatening to each other, to me that could be a different story. I HAD to find my phone and get the heck out.
Over the trees I could see that the outside flood lights were on at the gate, that meant closing time was at hand. Damn it, I had to get out of here.

YES! There was Gertrude. Standing by a tree, I think that's her. Yes it was, now where was my phone Would I be lucky enough to find it laying at her feet or would she have dropped it somewhere by now.
She ran off, fine, then I hear a laugh. Who is laughing? Ugh...these stupid birds, there sat Jebu on a limb laughing at me I was sure of it. I said "what's so funny Jebu?" and he flew away.
Then I knew what was so funny. Mickey had my phone and was pushing away on it's buttons. Damn it, that lemar is such a pain. I called him, he held the phone up for me to see and took off. Great just what I needed, to chase yet another animal around in the rain. Thankfully it had slackened off but seriously I had no rain gear and was soaked to the bone.
Over the loud speaker I hear " we have a lost child in the zoo, all visitors have exited the park. We need all hands on deck"
OMG a lost child??? How in the heck? WHY would everyone leave? Damn it I needed to get out of here so I could help.
Heading back towards the gate, I gave up on retrieving my phone, I was tired, wet and pissed at myself.
Just as I enter the clearing I heard Bill "SUE, SUE are you in here?" YES YES BILL I'm here!! and I took off running towards the gate. He was giving me that look, you know, the look your mother gives you when she has caught you in a mess. "Hi Bill, I know I know, but I heard the announcement, can we just get out of here and go find the child?"
He looked at me and laughed. What the Sam hill is so funny I thought? He said "Sue, you were lost, not a child, do you think we would make an announcement like that over the intercom? Come on now, you've been here long enough to know better and speaking of knowing better. What is going on with you? Do you have some man who has you so enamored you ain't thinking right?" He laughed, put his arm around my shoulder and said "damn you're soaked".
No shit Sherlock. But I kept that to myself. "yes, yes Bill I am".
"Okay I'll tell ya what, we'll discuss this tomorrow. For now, go home, dry off and get some rest."
I was very thankful. Nodded and headed toward the employee clubhouse to fetch my purse and keys.
What a day! I drove to the closest fast food joint, grabbed some food and home I went. After eating and a long soak in the tub I hit the hay. I do not remember a thing. I slept through the night. I did however have some strange dreams. Dancing cheek to cheek at midnight in the rain with an ostrich. LOL

Your words are:
cheek ~ disperse ~ ostrich ~ midnight ~ rain
They were submitted by:

Links to the other “Use Your Words” posts:
Baking In A Tornado
The Blogging 911                 
On the Border                     
The Bergham Chronicles            
Southern Belle Charm                                        Bookworm in the Kitchen        
Part-Time Working Hockey Mom

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Meaning of the End

Welcome to the December 2017 group poetry post. Each month we choose a topic or theme, each blogger then creates their own interpretation of that in poetry or free form style.
This month, Endings is the chosen theme.
I racked my brain trying to come up with something that might even remotely resemble poetry. Alas, I  came up empty handed. I kept finding myself writing short stories, essays, and paragraphs that rambled on and on.
If you scroll to the bottom of this post you'll find links to real poetry created by my talented friends.
Thanks for stopping by!

E - ending, final, completion
N - nothing stays the same
D - destined to change
I - inspiring us forward
N - new life after the old
G - giver of closure
S - sending us into a new tomorrow

Other links:
Karen over at Baking In A Tornado

Jules over at The Bergham Chronicles

Lydia over at Cluttered Genius

Jenn over at Sparkly Poetic Weirdo

Diane over at On The Border

Friday, December 8, 2017

Holiday Hideaway - SSS

Welcome to a Secret Subject Swap. This week 10 brave bloggers picked a secret subject for someone else and were assigned a secret subject to interpret in their own style. Today we are all simultaneously divulging our topics and submitting our posts. 

Your “Secret Subject” is:: Are family get-togethers something you look forward to or dread during the holidays?  Or would you rather run away to a resort and celebrate the holiday with your significant other?
It was submitted by:   

Well that's easy. A holiday hideaway is what I choose.

A lake side cabin where we could watch the sunrise and set. Relax and only do what we wanted. Read, talk, rest, hike, fish, boat or absolutely nothing at all.

 Something like this. Doesn't it look wonderful?
We could cook outside over an open fire. Maybe even fish we caught earlier.
 Enjoy a delicious cup of coffee while the sun rises over the lake while we decide what to do with our day.
 My husband would definitely spend time fishing while I would walk around the lake, find a spot to sit and read or just breath.
 After a long day of enjoyment, a nice drink on the deck while the food is sizzling over the fire.
 Maybe even rent a paddle boat and take it once around the lake.
We have actually talked about this very thing and it is on our "to do" list. We both love our families but they can and do stress us out, make ridiculous demands, last minute plans that always end up being very inconvenient for us but no one else. His siblings are as different as oil and water so they do not mix well or as we used to say as kids "do not play well with others" so if I had a choice, which as an adult I do, I will always side on being "just the two of us" or a get away!
Thanks Carol!

Here are links to all the sites now featuring Secret Subject Swap posts.  Sit back, grab a cup, and check them all out. See you there:
Baking In A Tornado                
The Blogging 911         
 The Lieber Family Blog           
The Bergham Chronicles        
Southern Belle Charm          
Bookworm in the Kitchen        
 Never Ever Give Up Hope      
Part-Time Working Hockey Mom       