Today’s post is a writing challenge. However, the topic is sensitive and may upset some. I apologize if I bring up old memories or trauma. This is no joke, abuse, domestic violence, and the me too movement. Unfortunately some have used the me too movement as their own personal platform and have abused it by making false accusations which only makes it worse for the real victims. Here I have written a story, that happens far too many times. PLEASE only report what is real and true. BUT if you have been a victim speak out. seek help and bring justice.
This is how it works: participating bloggers picked 4 – 6 words or short phrases for someone else to craft into a post. All words must be used at least once and all the posts will be unique as each writer has received their own set of words. That’s the challenge, here’s a fun twist; no one who’s participating knows who got their words and in what direction the writer will take them. Until now.
This is how it works: participating bloggers picked 4 – 6 words or short phrases for someone else to craft into a post. All words must be used at least once and all the posts will be unique as each writer has received their own set of words. That’s the challenge, here’s a fun twist; no one who’s participating knows who got their words and in what direction the writer will take them. Until now.
At the end of this post you’ll find links to the other blogs featuring this challenge. Check them all out, see what words they got and how they used them.
Links to the other “Use Your Words” posts:
Baking In A Tornado
On the Border
The Bergham Chronicles
The Blogging 911
Cognitive Script
Part Time Working Hockey Mom
Sparkly Poetic Weirdo
She was cold and it was well past her bedtime but she had enjoyed herself. Out with the gang. Reaching over for the radio knob and cranking up the volume to help keep her awake, she heard the news anchor say it was "colder than a witches titty", she laughed oh yeah it was well after midnight. No way he'd get away with saying that otherwise.
Brr, it seemed the farther she drove the colder it got. It had to be the coldest night of the year.
Wooooo and flashing, oh no. No NO No, it can't be. Yep, it was. Blue lights and a siren behind her. $h!t she was not having a good day and she knew she had been drinking too much to drive home. she slowed and pulled over to the shoulder of the road.
She saw him, a big burly looking cop, as he sauntered over to her car. Being new to town, she didn't know many, but everyone knew this guy. He was a real jerk. He wore his badge like a "get out of jail free card" and broke more laws than you could count.
Great. She took a deep breath and hoped for the best.
My gosh it's freezing out here she thought. She stood with her arms wrapped around herself as officer Pig and officer Nice Guy put her through a sobriety test.
This was so embarrassing. Her own fault. She could have accept the ride offered her by Joe but she was "fine" and it was only a few miles. She almost choked on the thought. So arrogant, well she was sobering up now in this freezing cold air and no way Officer Pig would allow her to grab the jacket out of the backseat. Nope, he had something to prove.
Now, standing with her face pressed against her car, arms behind her back, cold steel bracelets on her wrist and this PIG running his hands all over her body. She kept telling herself, let it go, it's your own fault, you asked for this, you should have gotten a ride. But all the should haves and could haves did not negate the fact that this PIG was violating her body, her rights. Oh how she wanted to fight, to scream, kick and punch the crap out of this guy. But she knew all to well it would make it worse. And Officer Nice Guy over there on the radio, turning a blind eye to what was happening. He was no better. She felt sick.
His hands running up and down her legs, she could feel his sweaty palms through her clothes, she shivered with disgusted. He laughed and in a breathy voice said "oh you like it don't you?" Her stomach was turning. He groped her breast, way more than he needed to. He ran his hands over her leggings and up her skirt. Shoving his hands in her groin and lingering too long.
The humiliation, the disgust, the anger, the outrage, she could hold it in no longer, something in her was about to crack.
He spun her around by roughly grabbing her wrist and when he did, she lost it. She lost everything she had in her, the Cap'n Crunch cereal from breakfast, the Chinese Moo Goo from lunch, the Captain Morgan and hot wings from the night. Oh yes, she lost it all. ALL of it and it went ALL over Officer Pig! She made sure to move her head around so that he was as covered as she could possibly get him. The sorry SOB he deserved this and more.
He let out several expletives and threw her to the ground, he was just about to kick her in the face when Officer Nice Guy must have realized and ran over "NO NO NO BOB don't!" grabbing his partner by the arm and jerking him away just in time. She felt the breeze of his boot as it passed her face. Whew that was too close but she lay on the ground with a smile of her face because no matter what, she had paid him back for herself and every other woman he had done this too. She has spewed vile on him like the vile he was heaping on her with this nasty groping hands.
Swaying and bouncing, blurry images, oh gosh dang it her head hurt. She was, wait, where was she? In the back of the police car, looking out the window she could see the lights in town as they pulled up to the station. Breathing a sigh of relief to be away from this PIG but also steadying herself for what was surely to be a long rough night.
Brr, it seemed the farther she drove the colder it got. It had to be the coldest night of the year.
Wooooo and flashing, oh no. No NO No, it can't be. Yep, it was. Blue lights and a siren behind her. $h!t she was not having a good day and she knew she had been drinking too much to drive home. she slowed and pulled over to the shoulder of the road.
She saw him, a big burly looking cop, as he sauntered over to her car. Being new to town, she didn't know many, but everyone knew this guy. He was a real jerk. He wore his badge like a "get out of jail free card" and broke more laws than you could count.
Great. She took a deep breath and hoped for the best.
My gosh it's freezing out here she thought. She stood with her arms wrapped around herself as officer Pig and officer Nice Guy put her through a sobriety test.
This was so embarrassing. Her own fault. She could have accept the ride offered her by Joe but she was "fine" and it was only a few miles. She almost choked on the thought. So arrogant, well she was sobering up now in this freezing cold air and no way Officer Pig would allow her to grab the jacket out of the backseat. Nope, he had something to prove.
Now, standing with her face pressed against her car, arms behind her back, cold steel bracelets on her wrist and this PIG running his hands all over her body. She kept telling herself, let it go, it's your own fault, you asked for this, you should have gotten a ride. But all the should haves and could haves did not negate the fact that this PIG was violating her body, her rights. Oh how she wanted to fight, to scream, kick and punch the crap out of this guy. But she knew all to well it would make it worse. And Officer Nice Guy over there on the radio, turning a blind eye to what was happening. He was no better. She felt sick.
His hands running up and down her legs, she could feel his sweaty palms through her clothes, she shivered with disgusted. He laughed and in a breathy voice said "oh you like it don't you?" Her stomach was turning. He groped her breast, way more than he needed to. He ran his hands over her leggings and up her skirt. Shoving his hands in her groin and lingering too long.
The humiliation, the disgust, the anger, the outrage, she could hold it in no longer, something in her was about to crack.
He spun her around by roughly grabbing her wrist and when he did, she lost it. She lost everything she had in her, the Cap'n Crunch cereal from breakfast, the Chinese Moo Goo from lunch, the Captain Morgan and hot wings from the night. Oh yes, she lost it all. ALL of it and it went ALL over Officer Pig! She made sure to move her head around so that he was as covered as she could possibly get him. The sorry SOB he deserved this and more.
He let out several expletives and threw her to the ground, he was just about to kick her in the face when Officer Nice Guy must have realized and ran over "NO NO NO BOB don't!" grabbing his partner by the arm and jerking him away just in time. She felt the breeze of his boot as it passed her face. Whew that was too close but she lay on the ground with a smile of her face because no matter what, she had paid him back for herself and every other woman he had done this too. She has spewed vile on him like the vile he was heaping on her with this nasty groping hands.
Swaying and bouncing, blurry images, oh gosh dang it her head hurt. She was, wait, where was she? In the back of the police car, looking out the window she could see the lights in town as they pulled up to the station. Breathing a sigh of relief to be away from this PIG but also steadying herself for what was surely to be a long rough night.
Your words are:
cold ~ colder ~ coldest ~ freezing ~ crack
It was submitted by:
Serves Officer Pig right. Some people definitely misuse their power.
ReplyDeleteLooks like we are in fact getting cold days - keep warm, my friend!
Heartbreaking, like all stories of abuse are. I'm glad you spoke out about the issue, and I know you've been through some rough times (to say the least), I'm so glad you're now safe and loved.
ReplyDeleteOfficer Pig in his own element.
ReplyDeleteNothing makes me angrier than someone abusing their authority. There just isn't a place bad enough for them!
He definitely deserved it. What a pig. But drunk driving is my biggest pet peeve. You live and learn and I sincerely hope he gets his one day.